Undergraduate project: Noah Siebersma, Hudson Malone

In order for the future large, ground-based, fiber-fed astronomical spectrographs to produce quality data, the background sky spectra must be removed without compromising the target spectra. The Fiber Optic Characterization for Unprecedented Sky Subtraction (FOCUSS) project aims to automate the characterization of multiple fiber optic cables in order determine their throughput efficiency and focal ratio degradation (FRD). The throughput efficiency measures the percentage of light that enters the fiber and ends up at the detector, and the FRD test measures the angular spread of light out of the fiber as a function of incident angle.


FOCUSS consists of a laser-driven light source, a monochromator, an integrating sphere, a photodiode, a five-axis motor for fiber positioning, and three CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) detectors for data acquisition.

The experimental assembly in FRD test configuration, consisting of a laser-driven light source, monochromator, five-axis fiber positioner, photodiode, one CMOS detector for the FRD test, and two CMOS detectors for the throughput test, and connecting fibers.
over USB
Light SourceThorlabsSLS201L/MN/A
XYZ stageNewportM-562F-XYZ stage
with 3 CONEX-
TRB12CC actuators
ThetaY stageNewportCONEX-URS50BCCConex/USB
ThetaX stageNewportCONEX-AG-GON-UPConex/USB
Long Pass
Filter Flipper
ThorlabsMFF101/MManual, USB,
or 0-5V TTL
USB-1608FSUSB and bare
wire I/O ports
PhotodiodeNewport918D-UV-OD3RDB15 to
Newport844-PE-USBUSB or
5Hz Analog
output, 0-1V

Throughput Efficiency Characterization

The throughput efficiency test compares the light exiting the fiber to the light entering the fiber over a range of wavelengths. A monochromator controls the light wavelength. The ratio of the transmitted light to the through light is plotted over the range of wavelengths.

A high-power boradband laser-driven light source (LDLS) emits light into a monochrometer, which isolates wavelengths for each throughput test. The light from the monochromator enters an integrating sphere, which homogenizes the input light and reduces inconsistencies. The integrating sphere has two exits, one that goes through a pinhole to a CMOS detector (the "Pinhole" detector), and one that goes through the test fiber and into a second CMOS detector (the "Fiber" detector). The light gathered by the two detectors is compared to determine the throughput efficiency of the fiber.

Separate exposures of the "Fiber" detector and the "Pinhole" detector. A pinhole is placed between the integrating sphere and the "Pinhole" detector. A fiber optic cable runs from the integrating sphere to the "Fiber" detector. Counts from each detector are used to calculate the "Fiber-to-Pinhole" ratio and therefore the throughput of the fiber.


Since we're comparing the light gathered from two detectors, both detectors should be calibrated to one another. To do this, a pinhole is placed in front of each detector to ensure equal light is entering both detectors, and the light counts gathered by each detector are compared. The ratio of the two detector counts give the correction factor, and this correction factor is applied to the gathered data. 

Depicted above are pre-calibration (left) and post-calibration (right) results. The data from the pre-calibration are used as the correction factors producing the post-calibration results, which calibrates the detectors to within 0.3%. Both results utilize two identical pinholes for both detectors rather than the dedicated "Fiber" detector utilizing a fiber.


To test as many fibers as possible as quickly as possible, the duration of the total test time is taken into consideration. We optimize for the shortest exposure time while retaining high accuracy per wavelength by testing a pinhole and a known fiber and collecting ten images from multiple exposure lengths at each test wavelength. We analyze the "Fiber" to "Pinhole" detector counts ratio and analyze the well-usage, optimizing for a count ratio standard deviation 1% and/or a maximum of 40% well-usage. We are able to achieve a total test time of just over 30 minutes for a test between 350nm-998nm at 18nm step sizes and a test time of 20 minutes for a more brief test between 404nm-998nm. 

The results of the optimization efforts of 550nm light. The left graph visualizes the Count Ratio vs Exposure Time and was utilized to optimize for 1% accuracy. The right graph depicts Detector Well Usage vs Exposure Time and was utilized to optimize for 40% well usage. The blue, red, and yellow dotted lines represent the exposure time for 40%, 50%, and 60% well usage respectively.

Current Status

With the transmission test developed, calibrated, and optimized, we re-calibrated and began preliminary testing with our calibration fiber between wavelengths of 404nm to 998nm with stepsizes of 18nm. Since preliminary testing, we have tested our calibration fiber and two different Optran UV fiber optic cables. There is a water absorption feature between the wavelengths of 944nm to 962nm that is consistent within all fibers. We plan to control the temperature and humidity of our testing room to reduce this feature. 

Transmission results for our calibration fiber and two different Optran UV fibers labeled as H1 and H2. There is a water absorption feature between 944nm and 962nm that we plan to reduce with environmental controls.

Focal Ratio Degradation (FRD) Characterization

Focal ratio degradation (FRD) occurs due to small imperfections within the fiber’s core-cladding interface, called microbends, which cause the light to be scattered at a different angle than intended1. This results in an annulus, or ring shape, at the detector.

Resulting annulus from FRD test at an incident angle of 6º at a wavelength of 764 nm using ZWO ASI-1600MM PRO CMOS detector with an exposure time of 0.5 seconds.

Focal ratio itself can be described as the speed of an optic, where a faster f/# implies that the light collecting area is large compared to the focal length. In this case, since the focal ratio degrades (f/# decreases) as the light travels through the fiber, the light is effectively being spread out more than expected. This results in the CMOS detector measuring fewer counts per pixel within the annulus when compared to an optical fiber with better FRD. To clarify, a fiber with poor FRD will have more light spread radially, whereas a better fiber will instead spread the light azimuthally.

A comparison of FRD between two different fibers, assuming that incident angle and wavelength is held constant between the fibers.

Focal ratio degradation can be measured by analyzing the size and shape of the annulus, as well as the counts within. For the future of astronomical spectrographs, choosing a fiber with the best optical properties and characterizing said fiber is necessary to prevent loss of both signal and spectrograph resolution.

The FRD test begins with aligning the collimated light beam so that the light beam is normal to the fiber end face. This is done by slewing about each axis to find where the photodiode reads its maximum value. Once aligned, the CMOS detector completes its cooling procedure (around -12ºC) and takes several dark frames at varying exposure times, which will later be used to calibrate the images. After moving the fiber from the photodiode to the CMOS detector, the program begins taking exposures of each wavelength at varying incident angles, ranging from 400-1000 nm and 0º to 12º respectively. The FITS files are then analyzed using a script which first applies a gaussian blur (in order to find the center of the annulus) then takes a slice across each image and plots it on a pixel value (counts) vs. pixel position graph. The graph is used to calculate the full width at half maximums (FWHMs) of each side of the annulus and the diameter of the annulus.

Example of a sliced image.
A graph of the sliced image. Diameter and the full width at half max (FWHM) is calculated by analyzing the graph.

The image is rotated and this process is repeated to ensure precise measurement. The peak of each FWHM is found, and the difference between their pixel position is used as the diameter. The FRD proxy is then calculated by dividing the sum of the FWHMs by the diameter and multiplying by the incident angle2.

Pixel Value (counts) vs Pixel Position graphs with incident angle ranging from 4º to 12º at a wavelength of 512 nm depicting both FWHM and diameter measurements (top row) and corresponding image of annulus at each angle, with exposure time of 0.15 seconds taken with ZWO ASI-1600MM PRO CMOS detector (bottom row).

Once the exposure for each wavelength and incident angle is analyzed, the script produces a graph of FRD vs. incident angle for each wavelength.

Graph of FRD proxy vs. Incident Angle for 512nm light ranging from 4º-12º


Characterization of Focal Ration Degradation in Optical Fibers for Use in Astronomical Instruments, Hudson Malone, Noah Siebersma, Luke Schmidt, 2024 AggieSTAAR and Texas A&M LAUNCH poster session

Utilizing a High Power Broadband Light Source to Characterize the Throughput Ratio of Fiber Optics, Noah Siebersma, Hudson Malone, Luke Schmidt, 2024 AggieSTAAR and Texas A&M LAUNCH poster session